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Our Admissions Department is committed to making your family’s experience individualized, relaxed, and personal. Take time to carefully review the steps listed below to aid you through the Admissions process.

Step 1

Take some time to review our Core Values and our Admissions Criteria

Step 2

We encourage families to learn more about City of Life Christian Academy by completing our online Inquiry Form.  We also invite you to visit our beautiful campus and see our programs and educational opportunities in action. See the dates and times that are available to Schedule a Visit.

Step 3

Complete an Admissions Application. By completing the application form and submitting the non-refundable $75 application fee*, you will be assigned an admissions checklist outlining supporting documents to submit in consideration for admission. After we receive your application, your child will be added to our candidate pool for the grade in which they are applying.

Getting ready to apply? View the Admissions Criteria

Step 4

Carefully review the admission checklist assigned to you in the application portal. The following academic records and additional supporting documents will need to be submitted:

  • A photo of your child (head and shoulders)

  • Copy of recent standardized test results

  • Copy of most recent report card or transcripts

  • Teacher Recommendations (names and email addresses of teachers)

If necessary, we will contact you to schedule on-campus testing.

Step 5

Our Admissions Office will review all submitted materials and, once a decision is made, we will send you an email correspondence regarding your admissions status and next steps. 

* Family application fees are:  $75 = first one, $50 = second, $25 = each application after.

Please contact our admissions office with any questions,


We love welcoming new international families into our school community! City of Life Christian Academy is a SEVP Certified School and is approved to enroll students with an F-1 visa. Our Admissions Department is committed to making your family’s experience individualized, relaxed and personal. Take time to carefully review the steps listed below to aid you through the International Admissions process.

International Admissions Timeline for Web - no background.png

In addition to the application steps above, please review the following requirements:

Our Admissions Office will review all submitted materials and will contact you to schedule a Student & Family Interview with a School Administrator (virtual appointments available). This interview is required and part of the admissions process. Once a decision is made, we will send you an email correspondence regarding your admissions status and next steps. 


Below are the 2025 - 2026 estimated annual expenses for all international students.

Supporting bank documentation must total the amount listed below.

Application ..................................................... $ 150

Tuition & Fees ................................................ $ 13,000*

Enrollment/Registration Fees ....................... $ 500

Curriculum Fee ............................................... $ 450


Student Life Fees:

       -  Extracurricular Fees ..............................$ 1,000

       -  Field Trip Fee ........................................$ 100

       -  Technology Fee ....................................$ 100

       -  School Lunch** .....................................$ 1,000

       -  Uniforms** .............................................$ 500

       -  Health Insurance ..............................Required to                                                                                        show proof of                                                                                              insurance



Total Estimated Expenses - $16,800

*Tuition & fees are subject to change at any time.

**Some fees are optional.


Additional fees may be assessed for extracurricular activities and mandatory school sponsored events.

Financial Assistance

City of Life Christian Academy offers limited options for financial assistance to qualifying international students. Students with an F-1 visa are not eligible for federal aid, but may be available for some state scholarships.

For more information, please visit our Financial Assistance webpage.

COLCA, using information supplied by the United Nations and other sources, ranks countries in three categories (A, B, C) based on their per capita income. Students from C or B category nations may apply for a discount or scholarship, subject to availability and conditions. A list of countries by category can be found here.


Scholarships/ internal discounts may be between 20% for B countries and 40% for C countries. 


City of Life Christian Academy does not offer boarding. International students are required

to reside with a parent or guardian legally living in the Central Florida community.



If you are interested in hosting international students,

please contact us at

Please contact our admissions office with any questions,
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